For future generations Letra

4 Him

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "For future generations" de 4 Him.

For future generations lyrics

The signs are obvious, they are everywhere
all that we hear about is the gloom and despair
too many would be prophets saying "it's the end of it all"
'cause mother earth can't take much more
the hammer's gonna fall
so nature has its needs, that's a lesson learned
but it appears to me there are greater concerns
'cause we can save the planet
thinkin' we will somehow survive
but father time is callin' us to save somebody's life, so

i won't bend and i won't break
i won't water down my faith
i won't compromise in a world of desperation
what has been i cannot change
[ De: ]
for tomorrow and today
i must be a light for future generations
If we could find a way to preserve our faith
so those who follow us, see the price that was paid
then maybe when they question
what it's gonna take to survive
they'll find the strength to carry on
in what we leave behind

Lookin' in the eyes of the children
knowing that tomorrow is at stake
when the choice is up to them
will they have the strength to say
We won't bend and we won't break
we won't water down our faith
we won't compromise in a world of desperation
what has been we cannot change
for tomorrow and today
we must be a light for future generations
4 Him

4 Him

For future generations

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Artista: 4 Him
Canción: For future generations
Duración: 04:51
Vistas: 945
Etiquetas: contemporary christian

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