For all of my life Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "For all of my life" de Jewit.

For all of my life lyrics

Come and lay here beside me
i'll tell you how i feel
there's a secret inside me
i'm ready to reveal
To have you close and raise your heart
with my love over and over
these are things that i promise
my promise to you
For all of my life
you are the one
i will love you faithfully, forever
all of my life, you are the one
i'd give to you my greatest love
for all of my life
Let me lay down beside you
[ De: ]
there's something you should know
i pray that you decide to
open your heart and let me show
Enchanted worlds of fairtytales
a wonderland of love
these are things that i promise
my promise to you
For all of my life
you are the one
i will love you faithfully, forever
all of my life, you are the one
i'd give to you my greatest love
for all of my life
All of my life, with all of my heart
these are things that i promise


For all of my life

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Artista: Jewit
Canción: For all of my life
Vistas: 92

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