Foolish heart Letra

Steve Perry

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Foolish heart" de Steve Perry.

Foolish heart lyrics

I need a love that grows
i don't want it unless i know
with each passin' hour
someone, somehow
will be there, ready to share
I need a love that's strong
i'm so tired of being alone
but will my lonely heart
play the part
of the fool again, before i begin
Foolish heart, hear me calling
stop before you start falling
foolish heart, heed my warning
you've been wrong before
don't be wrong anymore
Feelin' that feelin' again
playin' a game i can't win
love's knockin' on the door
[ De: ]
of my heart once more
think i'll let her in
before i begin
Foolish heart, hear me calling
stop before, you start falling
foolish heart, heed my warning
you've been wrong before
don't be wrong anymore
foolish heart
foolish, foolish heart
you've been wrong before
Foolish heart, hear me calling
stop before you start falling
foolish heart, heed my warning
you've been wrong before
don't be wrong anymore
foolish heart
Oh foolish foolish heart
you've been wrong before
Foolish foolish heart
foolish heart
Steve Perry

Steve Perry

Foolish heart

Ver más info

Artista: Steve Perry
Canción: Foolish heart
Duración: 03:38
Vistas: 112.996
Álbum: Street talk
Etiquetas: ballads, 80s, classic rock, ballad, rock

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