Followed the waves Letra

Melissa Auf Der Maur

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Followed the waves" de Melissa Auf Der Maur.

Followed the waves lyrics

Feel me
sneaking around again
am i hanging around again
can't you see
that my heart lies
my heart lies to you
i followed the waves to you
i've got to see it through
that my heart lies to you
never have me true
(i lie i lie)
please don't
please don't make ammends
see me
see me slip again
break my heart
carve the fate
seal the deal
my heart lies
my heart lies to you
[ De: ]
i followed the waves to you
i've got to see it through
that my heart lies to you
you'll never have me true
i followed the waves to you
i've got to see it through
that my heart lies to you
i'll never stay with you
between my fire sighs
and my burning eyes
my heart burns wildly in his eyes
he's just a drunken gambling man
dealing with the hands of desires span
i'm gonna shuffle his deck clean
i'm gonna shuffle his deck clean
Melissa Auf Der Maur

Melissa Auf Der Maur

Followed the waves

Ver más info

Artista: Melissa Auf Der Maur
Canción: Followed the waves
Duración: 04:51
Vistas: 50.372
Etiquetas: love it, rock, bitch, female vocalists, riot grrrl

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