Follow me Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Follow me" de Lange.

Follow me lyrics

Follow me to the edge
and follow me into the dream
and dance with until the stars fall
like tonight is all there is
and we could live on faith
and don't look down
follow me to the edge
passion for allways
take my hand
we could fly
passion for allways
follow me to the edge
Follow me to the edge
and follow me into the dream
[ De: ]
and dance with me until the star falls
like tonight is all there is
and we could live on faith
and don't look down
follow me to the edge
And we could live on faith
and don't look down
follow me to the edge
Take my hand
follow me
and don't look down
follow me
Take my hand
we could fly
passion for allways
follow me to the edge


Follow me

Ver más info

Artista: Lange
Canción: Follow me
Duración: 03:40
Vistas: 24.754
Álbum: Kevin & perry 'go large' (disc 1)
Etiquetas: trance, dance, electronic, uplifting trance, house

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