Follow me Letra

Kenji Kawai

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Follow me" de Kenji Kawai.

Follow me lyrics

Follow me to a land across the shining sea
waiting beyond the world we have known
beyond the world the dream could be
and the joy we have tasted
Follow me along the road that only love can see
rising above the fun years of the night
[ De: ]
into the light beyond the tears
and all the years we have wasted
follow me to a distand land this mountain high
where all the music that we always kept inside will fill the sky
singing in the silent swerve a heart is free
while the world goes on running and turning
turning and falling
Kenji Kawai

Kenji Kawai

Follow me

Ver más info

Artista: Kenji Kawai
Canción: Follow me
Vistas: 14.298
Etiquetas: anime, vocal, japanese, soundtrack, female

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