Folie Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Folie" de Locust.

Folie lyrics

Something that you said is living in my head
grows nightly inside me
and though my dream exists, memory persists
to fight me despite me
silver words you spoke under your breath
making whirlwinds in my head
Where is a light shining for you? he said
what doesn't shine here for me too? he said
So passion echoes doubtfully
and falls against the walls of my dream
[ De: ]
through open pores tiny trickles to the sea
The story as is read is hanging by a thread
tread lightly, slightly, so lightly
and leaving me exposed, the folie i proposed
has fooled me, ruled me, ridiculed me
silver words you spoke under your breath
making whirlwinds in my head
Do they really deserve you? he said
have my words really fooled you? he said
And passion echoes doubtfully
and falls against the walls of my dream



Ver más info

Artista: Locust
Canción: Folie
Duración: 04:52
Vistas: 2.337
Álbum: Morning light
Etiquetas: favourites, trip-hop

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