Fogetting november Letra

Blank Logic

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fogetting november" de Blank Logic.

Fogetting november lyrics

Verse 1:
another night,sitting outside by myself.
thinking of you,pretending that you were in love with me.
and i know i'll probably never even have a chance.
it was stupid of me to think you want to be with someone who gave a damn.
im sick of being nice,doing what you want.
just to hear you talk about him. when it's plain to everyone,
i am in love with you, and he screws everyone around him.
verse 2:
[ De: ]
maybe it's not your fault,i just needed someone to blame for all my pain.
i hate my friends,i hate my family and i hate my job.
but you said you cared,that cold night in november,
when nobody was around.
you said that you love me but now you cant remember,
i guess it wasnt meant to be.
chorus 2:
i pray i'll get over you,my heart is healing slowly,but not fast enough.
i pray i'll find someone new,someone who is lonely,someone is true.
Blank Logic

Blank Logic

Fogetting november

Ver más info

Artista: Blank Logic
Canción: Fogetting november
Vistas: 83

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