Fly me to the moon Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly me to the moon" de Claire.

Fly me to the moon lyrics

Fly me to the moon,
and let me play among the stars.
let me see what spring is like
on jupiter and mars.
In other words, hold my hand
[ De: ]
in other words, darling, kiss me
Fill my heart with song,
and let me sing forevermore.
you are all i long for,
all i worship and adore.
In other words, please be true
in other words, i love you


Fly me to the moon

Ver más info

Artista: Claire
Canción: Fly me to the moon
Duración: 04:33
Vistas: 58.240
Álbum: Fly me to the moon
Etiquetas: soundtrack, japanese, neon genesis evangelion, anime, jazz

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