Fly eagle fly Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly eagle fly" de Whiteheart.

Fly eagle fly lyrics

You've lost the hope, you've lost the green
the fire has left your dream
do you not know? have you not heard?
faith is a bird and it's wings are his holy

Fly eagle fly
hold your head high
soar upon the spirit wind
oh fly eagle fly
up into the sky
ride the golden wings of morning
[ De: ]
And there is hope that won't pass away
it's the power of the anti-grey
you may grow weak, weary and worn
but he'll make you strong
for he's the lord of the endless one

Fly eagle fly
hold your head high
soar upon the spirit wind
oh fly eagle fly
up into the sky
ride the golden wings of morning
fly eagle fly
(repeat chorus twice more)


Fly eagle fly

Ver más info

Artista: Whiteheart
Canción: Fly eagle fly
Duración: 04:44
Vistas: 568
Álbum: Don't wait for the movie

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