Fly away Letra

Nicole Kidman

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly away" de Nicole Kidman.

Fly away lyrics

I follow the night
can't stand the light
when will i begin
to live again?
one day i'll fly away
leave all this to yesterday
what more could
your love do for me?
when will love be
through with me?
[ De: ]
why live life from
dream to dream
and dread the day
when dreaming ends?
One day i'll fly away
leave all this to yesterday
why live life from
dream to dream
and dread the day
when dreaming ends?
One day i'll fly away
fly, fly away
Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman

Fly away

Ver más info

Artista: Nicole Kidman
Canción: Fly away
Duración: 03:18
Vistas: 470

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