Fly away into the night Letra

Kim Larsen

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly away into the night" de Kim Larsen.

Fly away into the night lyrics

Now my bird has gone away
nothing i could do could make him stay
shot down in the dead of night by a nowhere man
had to read it twice just to understand
Fly fly away into the night
Oh my bird there's still a song to sing
[ De: ]
though you're gone for good it doesn't change a thing
we talked about it talkled about it all night long
waited in the rain for one more song, ah-ah
Fly fly away into the night
bye bye my bird it's allright
Fly fly away into the night
bye bye my bird it's allright
oh fly away into the night
[john lennon tribute]
Kim Larsen

Kim Larsen

Fly away into the night

Ver más info

Artista: Kim Larsen
Canción: Fly away into the night
Duración: 03:23
Vistas: 822
Álbum: Sitting on a time bomb
Etiquetas: bfr

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