Fly away from here (graduation day) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly away from here (graduation day)" de Dropline.

Fly away from here (graduation day) lyrics

Sun comes up and goes away
so does graduation day
you did your walk of fame and that was it
she turns to me like we're alone
inside a secret telephone
and says the words that no one else can hear
She said i paid attention to myself
and found that i was someone else
once a child but now i've grown within
so i'm packing all these golden years
i let them go without a tear
i let them go
and this is what she said
She said
i believe that everyone can fly away from here
she said
i believe that everyone can fly
Celebration through the night
circle 'round this firelight
i guess this pack of wolves will pass for friends
[ De: ]
and who's that coming up to me
hope and opportunity
you better grab it fast, grab it fast
and hope it never ends
I believe that everyone can fly away from here
she said
i believe that everyone can fly
Oh it's the whisper of, whisper of, i feel it
if day is night and night is day
which one took your love away
and which one will you use, which one will you use
who's that coming up to me
hope and opportunity
you better grab it fast grab it fast and hope
I believe that everyone can fly away from here
she said
i believe that everyone can fly away
she said
i believe that everyone can fly away from here
she said
i believe that everyone can fly


Fly away from here (graduation day)

Ver más info

Artista: Dropline
Canción: Fly away from here (graduation day)
Duración: 03:59
Vistas: 92

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