Fly at night Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly at night" de Chilliwack.

Fly at night lyrics

Four men in a rock 'n roll band
fly at night in the morning we land
fly at night 'til we're satisfied
see the morning from the otherside
And when you close your eyes
sleep comes fast
when you fly the universe
well, you need some rest
yeah, you need some rest
Ooh, we like the big wide spaces
yeah, we like a sea of faces
time is just a rubber band
time is at our command
And when we look out
and see you there
you seem much closer
and you feel so near
yeah, you feel so near
[ De: ]
Well we fly by night, it's like a rocket flight
and baby that's just what it's for
yeah, we fly by night, it makes you feel alright
it keeps you coming back for more
[guitar break]
Well we fly by night, it's like a rocket flight
and baby that's just what it's for
we fly by night, it makes you feel alright
it keeps you coming back for more
[guitar break]
Four men in a rock 'n roll band
fly at night in the morning we land
fly at night 'til we're satisfied
see the morning from the other side


Fly at night

Ver más info

Artista: Chilliwack
Canción: Fly at night
Duración: 04:55
Vistas: 14.320
Álbum: Greatest hits
Etiquetas: chillout, classic rock, canadian, rock, guitar solo

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