Flop eared mule Letra

Andy Griffith

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Flop eared mule" de Andy Griffith.

Flop eared mule lyrics

Use to have an old banjo,
it was all strung up with twine,
and the only song you could hear me sing was,
i wish that gal was mine.
well, i wish that gal was mine, boys.
i wish that gal was mine,
and the only song you could hear me sing,
was i wish that gal was mine.
Whoa mule, you kicking mule,
whoa mule, i say,
i ain't got time to kiss you now,
my mule has run away.
Took my wife to the barn yard,
and i sit her down to supper,
well, she got choked on a turkey leg,
and stuck her nose in the butter.
Stuck her nose in the butter,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-flop-eared-mule-andy-griffith ]
stuck her nose in the butter,
well, she got choked on a turkey leg,
and stuck her nose in the butter.
Whoa mule, you kicking mule,
whoa mule, i say,
tie a knot in that old mules tail,
before he runs away.
Your face is like a coffee pot,
your nose is like a spout,
your mouth is like a fireplace,
with all the ashes out.
Well, with all the ashes out, boys,
with all the ashes out,
your mouth is like a fireplace,
with all the ashes out.
Whoa mule, you kicking mule,
whoa mule, i say,
i ain't got time to kiss you now,
my mule has run away.
repeat and fade

Andy Griffith

Andy Griffith

Flop eared mule

Ver más info

Artista: Andy Griffith
Canción: Flop eared mule
Duración: 01:48
Vistas: 414
Etiquetas: country, comedy

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