Flesh Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Flesh" de Avrigus.

Flesh lyrics

Take these hooks from my flesh,
cast across the ring of fate
by the fire in thine eyes.
This temple is reduced to ash.
This corss this thing of hate,
desire never dies.
burried deep beneath a shroud of sleep,
desire never dies.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-flesh-avrigus ]
Lord have mercy.
Thake these tears and wipe the slate.
Fear not heresy
Draw the line across this circle of my fate.
Take these hooks from my flesh,
the flesh of a sentient being.
this temple is reduced to ash,
by looking back and seeing thee in chains.




Ver más info

Artista: Avrigus
Canción: Flesh
Duración: 05:44
Vistas: 28.745
Álbum: The secret kingdom
Etiquetas: gothic metal, piano, female fronted metal, gothic, doom metal

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