Flawless Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Flawless" de Emceedragon.

Flawless lyrics

Yo i flow automatically
as i drop these rhymes drastically
killin otherz tragically
i amaze ya'll magically
i drop straight rhymes
taking hardly any time
to spit so fine
so fast ya'll hit rewind
this is a straight freestyle
stinging you beestyle
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-flawless-emceedragon ]
rising up da pile
spittin faster than 60miles(per hour)
it takes no effort for this
as i leave ya'll senseless
or better yet clueless
cause i'm da only sinless
one to run on these boards
@#%$in ya mom and ya whore
damn i just came here to explore
my @#%$ is flawless,




Ver más info

Artista: Emceedragon
Canción: Flawless
Vistas: 53

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