Flames Letra

Big Fat Snake

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Flames" de Big Fat Snake.

Flames lyrics

You were out of reach
a sahara beach
like a waterfall
creeping down my walls
I had given up
i was over the top
when i closed my eyes
all i heard was cries
when i look around me
just flames
when i’m thinking about you
just flames
when i’m in my sleep
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-flames-big-fat-snake ]
just flames
when i’m thinking about you
I sent a message out
unclear but loud
and you got away
like night into the day

Fingers through your hair
an electric air
and though there was no more
still i heard the roar

Thinking about you
Thinking about you, yeah

Big Fat Snake

Big Fat Snake


Ver más info

Artista: Big Fat Snake
Canción: Flames
Duración: 03:26
Vistas: 1.713
Álbum: Flames
Etiquetas: danish rock, all-time fav, rock, danish

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