Fixing to die Letra

Bukka White

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fixing to die" de Bukka White.

Fixing to die lyrics

Fixing to die booker tw white
I'm looking forward in my eyes and i believe i'm fixing to die
i know i was born to die but i hate to leave my children crying
Just as sure as we live, let's be sure we's born to die
i know i was born to die but i hate to leave my children crying
Your mother treated me, children, like i was her baby child
[ De: ]
that's why i tried so hard to come back home to die
So many nights at the fireside, how my children's mother would cry
'cause i told the mother i had to say goodbye
Look over yonder on the burying ground
yonder stands ten thousand and it's there i'm laying me down
Mother take my children back before they let me down
i ain't no need of them screaming and crying on the graveyard ground
Bukka White

Bukka White

Fixing to die

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Artista: Bukka White
Canción: Fixing to die
Vistas: 92

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