Five constipated men Letra

Carli Gewertz

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Five constipated men" de Carli Gewertz.

Five constipated men lyrics

there were five, five, constipated men
in the bible, in the bible
there were five, five, constipated men
in the bible, in the bible
The first, first constipated man
was cain, he wasn't abel
thr first, first constipated man
was caim, he wasn't abel
The second, second, constipated man
was balaam, he couldn't move his ass
the second, second, constipated man
was balaam, he couldn't move his ass
The thied, third, constipated man
[ De: ]
was moses, he took two tablets
the third, third, constipated man
was moses, he took two tablets
The fourth, fourth, constipated man
was solomon, he sat for forty years
the fourth, fourth, constipated man
was solomon, he sat for forty years
The fifth, fifth, constipated man
was samson, he brought the house down
the fifth, fifth constipated man
was samson, he brought the house down
(actually, there were six:
the sixth, sixth, constipated man
was titus. his name speaks for itself)
Carli Gewertz

Carli Gewertz

Five constipated men

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Artista: Carli Gewertz
Canción: Five constipated men
Vistas: 49

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