Five blank pages Letra

Five Blank Pages

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Five blank pages" de Five Blank Pages.

Five blank pages lyrics

Just another waking up
let my mind waste on you
my belly aches cause the taste is sour
your call is long overdue
i guess i'm not over you
would i feel better if i meant the latter?
of five blank pages
i'd tell you off
and scorn and scold
but it's not enough
no, it's not enough
it's the only place i know
where i don't have to try to be
[ De: ]
was that the only place you'd go?
going septemberly, it's so ironically
so somehow i can't see me and anna-belle or as a face in the crowd
please do me a favor and walk away
though it's hard to say
i wanna see your face
Never again, never again, never again, never again,(we we're never more than friends) never again, never again, never again (you we're just a friend to me), never again, never again
Five Blank Pages

Five Blank Pages

Five blank pages

Ver más info

Artista: Five Blank Pages
Canción: Five blank pages
Duración: 03:38
Vistas: 660
Álbum: Spaces to occupy and abandon

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