First wave intact Letra

Secret Machines

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "First wave intact" de Secret Machines.

First wave intact lyrics

The open way's too dangerous
listen close - they're watching us
one more time you're losing us
hold still, they're shooting us
first wave down
i wonder when they're coming back
first wave down
As leaves from modern trees
rest on walls like
I wonder waht you're waiting for
i wonder what you're working for
[ De: ]
i wonder what you're living for
i wonder what you're dying for
first wave down
i wonder when they're coming back
first wave intact
As leaves from modern trees
rest on walls like these
the rest is theft
The walls don't move, don't change
does it make you feel ashamed?
no dreams, no curse
could we make things even worse?
don't mean it's right
but it makes you see the light
Secret Machines

Secret Machines

First wave intact

Ver más info

Artista: Secret Machines
Canción: First wave intact
Duración: 08:58
Vistas: 112.246
Álbum: Now here is nowhere
Etiquetas: psychedelic, rock, indie, alternative, indie rock

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