First batlle Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "First batlle" de Drey.

First batlle lyrics

Bitch you look like you suck balls for a life
jerkin off while your mom touches her oun gonads
and strife
dog you act like shit like a dick in clit
you so dumb you cant even drive stick
you wanna forfeit well you're the one who started
just cause you retarted you know you just farted
cause you you look like you covered in cum allover
[ De: ]
like a mollestered 8-year old in a fukkin stroller
but you know you raped our oun principal
while we perform our crime ritual
where i hurt you physical
maybe thats why you covered in bruises
going on gay cruises
where theres fukkin bitch ass losers
but they totally alike your bitchin ass self
who i'll personnaly kill and put your name up on a shelf
well see ya bitch gotta go
but dont forget i fuck yo mama for piles of dough


First batlle

Ver más info

Artista: Drey
Canción: First batlle
Vistas: 83

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