Firewind raging Letra


El tema "Firewind raging" interpretado por Firewind pertenece a su disco "Between heaven and hell". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Firewind raging" de Firewind.

Firewind raging lyrics

They fear us, they cheer us
dark mercenaries all
they need us, they feed us
their silver and their gold
for there's no one to save them
from losing their lives in this world of wars
Firewind raging
[ De: ]
Their kingdom, their freedom
hanging on their words
black shadows, blood battles
dying by the sword
for there's no one to save them
from losing their lives in this world of wars
Fear of death, the loss, the loathing
tears of life, the cause, the loving


Firewind raging

Ver más info

Artista: Firewind
Canción: Firewind raging
Duración: 04:26
Vistas: 28.925
Álbum: Between heaven and hell
Etiquetas: greek metal, greek, power metal, metal united, music that rocks a lot

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