Fireheads Letra

Emiliana Torrini

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fireheads" de Emiliana Torrini.

Fireheads lyrics

Somebodys got a long way to go You´re not sitting by
the phone no more
You´re gonna throw it way, crash it on a rock
Yeah, so you can live your life
Are we going crazy?

it´s no fair to say we wasted time
In my view we just used it all up
it´s no fair to say we wasted time
In my view we just used it all up
Whats hurts you hurts me too

I find it hard to make right
I know I´ve been a pain lately
That I failed in every test, oh, I did wrong

Oh man, what are we seeing here?
[ De: ]
Life´s changed, oh
We share a similar firehead
So there´s nowhere to go

Laws change and things are braved
Somewhere we got lost and can´t be seen
There´s a hard wind blowing down our house
Once that´s gone it can´t be found
I thougt you´ll keep me warm
But I was shown I was wrong

Oh man, what are we seeing here?
This change, oh
We share a similar firehead, oh
There´s nowhere to go

An´óh man, what are we seeing here?
Life changed,oh
We share the same firehead, oh
There´s nowhere to go
Emiliana Torrini

Emiliana Torrini


Ver más info

Artista: Emiliana Torrini
Canción: Fireheads
Duración: 03:44
Vistas: 263.423
Etiquetas: alternative, icelandic, female vocalists, pop-folk, pop

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