Firefly Letra


El tema "Firefly" interpretado por Mesh pertenece a su disco "Who watches over me?". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Firefly" de Mesh.

Firefly lyrics

Throw the towel in
write the poison letter
burn the place down
let's make it better
Pour the fuel in
make the carpet wetter
burning paper-bin
let's make it better
Tiny thumb-wheel
[ De: ]
slide across the metal
little yellow box
let's make it better
And if the wind blows
then it's gone forever
little firefly
i think we made it better
I think we made it better
Little firefly
i think we made it better



Ver más info

Artista: Mesh
Canción: Firefly
Duración: 03:57
Vistas: 58.886
Álbum: Who watches over me?
Etiquetas: favorites, synth, synthpop, mesh, electronic

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