Firecracker Letra

Roxy Saint

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Firecracker" de Roxy Saint.

Firecracker lyrics

It's like the instigators in our brain
and everybody's driving us insane
i'm in the desert just got off the plane
break your neck take away that pain
Well check me out
I'm like a firecracker can't touch me
live on the edge of reality
i'm dreamin' now so call me a liar
[ De: ]
walking on the edge of a circle of fire
Battered dreams and broken hearts
all the times that they tear us apart
i watch the people as they gather around
i take them up and i take them down

Check me out
i'm like a firecracker
bring me back
to the perpetrator
burn me out
until we can't breathe
turn me on
because i never sleep
Roxy Saint

Roxy Saint


Ver más info

Artista: Roxy Saint
Canción: Firecracker
Duración: 02:53
Vistas: 4.915
Álbum: Kerrang ripped
Etiquetas: alternative rock, rock

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