Fire sign Letra

The Gossip

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fire sign" de The Gossip.

Fire sign lyrics

What do i gotta do to make it work out
what do i gotta do
messing around with the fire sign
can make it feel like the world is after you
but what can you do
whatcha gonna do
now mary what are you thinking
mary when will you learn
now mary she ain't helpless
but mary she don't feel smart
now mary you can't help it
[ De: ]
cos growin up is the hardest part
but it ain't your fault
don't you ever stop
now mary you keep on thinkin'
and mary one day you'll learn
what do i gotta do to make it work out
do i gotta do
messin' around with the fire sign
can make it feel like the world is after you
mary what are you thinkin'
mary when will you learn
The Gossip

The Gossip

Fire sign

Ver más info

Artista: The Gossip
Canción: Fire sign
Duración: 02:33
Vistas: 27.991
Álbum: Movement
Etiquetas: hand clapping

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