Fire Letra

Dr. Sin

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fire" de Dr. Sin.

Fire lyrics

I should have known she was a pyro
she really loves to light the fire
she loves to watch it burn
turns on when the pretty flames destroy
her little boy melting all his hope
They always told me not play with fire
they always said i was a very live wire
[ De: ]
I should have known that she would burn me
it's not as if they didn't warn me
i just can't help myself
helpless like a fragile moth to flame
she calls my name
i'm burning a trail
They always told me not play with fire
they always said i was a very live wire
Dr. Sin

Dr. Sin


Ver más info

Artista: Dr. Sin
Canción: Fire
Vistas: 16.770

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