Fire burns Letra

Valley's Eve

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fire burns" de Valley's Eve.

Fire burns lyrics

The signs at your arms
visions of my future
remembrances of my past again
when he will leave
you have to follow
we are building dark bridges
and find the way to the eternity of death
we're praying to foreign gods
the real evolution has begun
an oath of dark
The fire burns in my eyes
don't be afraid to enter the night
[ De: ]
the fire burns in my eyes
and i will take my last breath
A feeling of deception
buried deep in your soul
and you'll burn
and find the way to the eternity of death
we're praying to foreign gods
the real evolution has begun
The fire burns in my eyes
don't be afraid to enter the night
the fire burns in my eyes
and i will take my last breath
Valley's Eve

Valley's Eve

Fire burns

Ver más info

Artista: Valley's Eve
Canción: Fire burns
Duración: 04:40
Vistas: 119

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