Finest hour Letra

Cindy Valentine

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Finest hour" de Cindy Valentine.

Finest hour lyrics

I'm not afraide to show you how i feel
i'm not afraide to say i've changed
so many things have happen to many times
i can't help but feeling alive
Chorus: it's gonna be my finest hour
i'm gonna take my chance tonight
[ De: ]
don't stop me now cause i got the power
just be with me in my finest hour
Their will be candle light
when the music plays
as we sip champaign
through the night
then you take my hand
when we start to dance
we will share a kiss
it will be alright
(repeat chorus (3x))
Cindy Valentine

Cindy Valentine

Finest hour

Ver más info

Artista: Cindy Valentine
Canción: Finest hour
Duración: 02:23
Vistas: 466

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