Fine wine Letra

Chas Bruns

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fine wine" de Chas Bruns.

Fine wine lyrics

She stumbled out of bed with tangles in her hair, and she
i think you'd better go now.
and struggled with the idea of what she'd say, or tell him at all,
about the night before last.
Love's a fine wine, bitter sweet and oh so good.
everyone's angry when it's gone.
and your friends, they tell you man, you've had too much, you better slow down,
but you think you're doing fine.
She picks up the phone, then quickly puts it down.
how could she ever call him now?
she'd seen him pass her by and quickly look away.
oh she knew it was over now.
And it's all been down
[ De: ]
you're not the only one crying on crying.
yeah, and well now you know
Love's a fine wine, bitter sweet and oh so good.
everyone's angry when it's gone.
your friends, they tell you man, you've had too much, you better slow down,
but you think you're doing fine.
Well it's cold outside, oh.
she's looking for him, but he's not around.
she never
Never said goodbye, no.
never said goodbye, no.
you never said and well now you know
Love's a fine wine, bitter sweet and oh so good.
everyone's angry when it's gone.
your friends, they tell you man, you've had too much, you better slow
but you think you're doing fine.
Chas Bruns

Chas Bruns

Fine wine

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Artista: Chas Bruns
Canción: Fine wine
Vistas: 92

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