Finally woken Letra


El tema "Finally woken" interpretado por Jem pertenece a su disco "Finally woken". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Finally woken" de Jem.

Finally woken lyrics

Finally woken, finally woken
I've been thinking ‘bout things
for a long while
i'm feeling so calm
i've got a big smile
i have a view of the sun
right over the sea
and now i can feel
life is flowing through me
You see i've finally woken
from a long sleep
i'm ready to jump
to make that blind leap
coz i now believe
i have the power in me
i've got the faith baby
i can truly be free
Finally woken
finally woken
Child don't worry it's ok
the sun is out for another day
and i say it'll be alright
[be alright]
today's the first day of the
rest of your life
remember, remember,
remember this, remember
Child don't worry it's ok
[ De: ]
[i've got a big smile/i feel good]
the sun is out for another day
[someone's shining on me]
and i say it'll be alright
[be alright]
today's the first day of the
rest of your life
remember remember
remember this remember
Child don't worry it's ok
the sun is out for another day
today's the first day of the
rest of your life
and i say it'll be alright
[be alright]
remember, remember,
remember this, remember
Finally woken
[i've got a big smile/i feel good]
finally woken
[someone's shining on me]
finally woken
[i've got a big smile/i feel good]
finally woken
[someone's shining on me]
and i say it'll be alright, be alright
and i say it'll be alright, be alright


Finally woken

Ver más info

Artista: Jem
Canción: Finally woken
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 386.429
Álbum: Finally woken
Etiquetas: female vocalists, chill, indie, pop, trip-hop

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