Final warning Letra

Ginuwine Featuring Aaliyah

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Final warning" de Ginuwine Featuring Aaliyah.

Final warning lyrics

ooh who keeps callin you
boy i aint scared of you
no no see i got your number
tell me who you snuck
and gave your number to
ooh youre trippin now (see you trippin)
girl quit fussin now
naw you cant go jumping to conclusions
its ringin but that doesnt
mean ive been fooling does it?
not right now im busy
call me in the morning whoa whoa
your telephones awful busy,
they callin in the morning
[ De: ]
that was your final warning
don't call me in the morning whoa whoa
who keeps buggin you
or who's been lovin you
tell me 'are you' are you 'that somebody'
or is it you've been lovin
on somebody else
woo what the hell you talkin bout?
and could you put that finger down
im always gon be the 'same ol g'
are you leaving or staying with me?
tell me
(repeat chorus)
Someone keep buggin you, tell me
(repeat chorus)
Ginuwine Featuring Aaliyah
Ver más info

Artista: Ginuwine Featuring Aaliyah
Canción: Final warning
Duración: 07:24
Vistas: 105

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