Fight to the end Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fight to the end" de Vhäldemar.

Fight to the end lyrics

You don't remember
when we're making love
feeling the sun and the wind
I was too young
to understand
but now i forget i don't care
To serve the reign of madness
to fight to the end of the night
until the dark forgets me
fight to the end
You don't remember
when wizards and kings
called the spirits of doom
I'll be the man
who breaks the war
i am the man who believes
To serve the reign of madness
to fight to the end of the night
[ De: ]
until the dark forgets me
fight to the end
Oh, oh, oh, oh wil you cry for
fallen angels?
oh, oh, oh, oh fallen angels
fight for you now
You don't remember
when we're making love
feeling the sun and the wind
I was too young
to understand
but now i forget i don't care
To serve the reign of madness
to fight to the end of the night
until the dark forgets me
fight to the end
Oh, oh, oh, oh wil you cry for
fallen angels?
oh, oh, oh, oh fallen angels
fight for you now


Fight to the end

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Artista: Vhäldemar
Canción: Fight to the end
Vistas: 89

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