Fields of your life Letra

Imagine This

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fields of your life" de Imagine This.

Fields of your life lyrics

When i see your face within my dreams,
i wish that i could be
forever in my sleep.
but when i wake, another rainy day
it's more than i can take.
but then i hear you say
run through the fields of your life.
i'll never leave your side.
just keep your hand in mine.
run through the fields of your life,
and in the end you'll find
[ De: ]
i was with you all the time.
In my mind, you speak to me sometimes;
but when i see through my eyes,
you seem so hard to find.
when i fear, my strength can disappear.
my vision seems unclear.
but then i feel you near.
you say
Repeat chorus
I know you're with me everyday.
and you're just a prayer away.
i need your strength in me today.
oooh, i need you.
Repeat chorus
Imagine This

Imagine This

Fields of your life

Ver más info

Artista: Imagine This
Canción: Fields of your life
Duración: 04:05
Vistas: 666
Álbum: Love

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