Feels like heaven Letra

Peter Cetera Featuring Chaka Kahn

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Feels like heaven" de Peter Cetera Featuring Chaka Kahn.

Feels like heaven lyrics

All through my wondering years
i always said i was biting my tongue
all alone in the dark
i've faced my fears
that no other heart would come to mine
at first when you found me
it took me awhile till i realized
why i felt weak when you were around
why i couldn't speak when i looked in your eyes
all this time i've been searching
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-feels-like-heaven-peter-cetera-featuring-chaka-kahn ]
until you, i was lost in my dreams
and i never knew that love could feel like heaven
watching over me
Where ever you are
invisible hands reach over the words
for every wish that went to the stars
there's one silent kiss i send to the skies
Everything's changed since you came my way
you put the color in a world of gray
and you made me love try to find a way

Peter Cetera Featuring Chaka Kahn
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Artista: Peter Cetera Featuring Chaka Kahn
Canción: Feels like heaven
Vistas: 109

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