Feel like going home Letra

Notting Hillbillies

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Feel like going home" de Notting Hillbillies.

Feel like going home lyrics

Lord i feel like going home
i tried and i failed and i'm tired and weary
everything i ever done was wrong
and i feel like going home
Lord i tried to see it through
but it was too much for me
and now i'm coming home to you
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-feel-like-going-home-notting-hillbillies ]
and i feel like going home
Cloudy skies are rolling in
and not a friend around to help me
from all the places i have been
and i feel like going home
Lord i feel like going home
i tried and i failed and i'm tired and weary
everything i ever done was wrong
and i feel like going home

Notting Hillbillies

Notting Hillbillies

Feel like going home

Ver más info

Artista: Notting Hillbillies
Canción: Feel like going home
Vistas: 1.807
Álbum: Missingpresumed having
Etiquetas: rock

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