Favorite star Letra

Rival Schools

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Favorite star" de Rival Schools.

Favorite star lyrics

How can you take away my favorite star
i don't think that will happen soon
no, not in this lifetime
we live like one for the other, a part of the same
oh great, here comes another contender swept away
i'll show them, teach them to mess with us
laws will be laid down
we play some parts up, others down to our ankles
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-favorite-star-rival-schools ]
we're not running from anyone
we've only just begun
like the song
and if you come around
i'll give you my address
let me in on your progress
as close as we are, my favorite star
i'll show them, teach them to mess with us
laws will be laid down
it's not in my control
trust your hands
our future plans work out

Rival Schools

Rival Schools

Favorite star

Ver más info

Artista: Rival Schools
Canción: Favorite star
Duración: 02:58
Vistas: 64.207
Etiquetas: post-hardcore, songs i grew up to, obczaj to, great grunge, bands i really really love

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