Faust Letra

Jughead's Revenge

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Faust" de Jughead's Revenge.

Faust lyrics

Nothin’ that you say
could ever make me change
nothin’ that you say
will bend me to behave
’cause i have this thing
that you’ll never know
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-faust-jughead-s-revenge ]
it’s diamond hard and keeps me from the thing that makes me go
Consistently burned
when will the tables turn
it’s in a strategy (faust faust faust faust)
Believin’ in yourself
the only thing you have
nothin’ that you say
will make me give it back

Jughead's Revenge
Ver más info

Artista: Jughead's Revenge
Canción: Faust
Duración: 00:30
Vistas: 6.026
Álbum: Short music for short people
Etiquetas: punk rock, punk, under two minutes

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