Father time Letra

Shark Island

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Father time" de Shark Island.

Father time lyrics

It's holiday
a modern day
a day to change your life
make it new and bright
but bitterness abounds
by people all around
they bring him down like the rain
tie him down, ball and chain

hard time on the rail road line
like a waste case that's out of place
hear the church bell chime
in the middle of your mind
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-father-time-shark-island ]
it's a broken toy
that he's cherished all his life
and built his shrine with the help of father time

it's a winding road
a heavy load
a home away from home
a place to roam
it's a fractured brain of consequences
a host, another vow
it's a different point of view
when the old man points and shows him what to do

Shark Island

Shark Island

Father time

Ver más info

Artista: Shark Island
Canción: Father time
Duración: 05:18
Vistas: 5.067
Álbum: Bill & ted's excellent adventure
Etiquetas: soundtrack

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