Fate Letra

Four Star Mary

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fate" de Four Star Mary.

Fate lyrics

Time is healing
i'm ahead
find a reason once again
take a moment out of time
i'll be standing back behind
On a wing
so out of line
taken in
so out of time
All it takes is living
i want to fly
I've never known fate
i've never known your name
i've never known fate
Sound the season
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fate-four-star-mary ]
in my head
i'll be better off ...again
you'd rather die this evening
you would never know
up ahead and far below
On a wing
so out of line
taken in
so out of time
All it takes is living
i want to fly
I've never known fate
i've never known your name
i've never known fate
Someone take me home
get me out of

Four Star Mary
Ver más info

Artista: Four Star Mary
Canción: Fate
Duración: 05:58
Vistas: 6.511
Álbum: Thrown to the wolves
Etiquetas: soundtrack, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, dingoes ate my baby, btvs

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