Fatass bitch Letra

Kenny Jomeges

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fatass bitch" de Kenny Jomeges.

Fatass bitch lyrics

This is how the song goes about that one fatass bitch that we all love to hate its goes a little something like this
There is a fatass bitch that i know she looks like a gorilla and has to get all her "friends" in her mess but thats okay because we are better then that stupid bitch. she can think what she wants to think it aint going to change the ways of the people who hate her sooo so very mcuh

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fatass-bitch-kenny-jomeges ]
we all know a fatass bitch that everyone loves to hate and make fun of the one that im talking about right now is one that goes by the names fatcine he he he (repeat as many times as you like)

she looks like the gorilla off of the movie called mighty joe young and thats so fucking sad ha ha ha this is fucking funny so bye
we all know a fatass bitch that everyone loves to hate and make fun of the one that im talking about right now is one that goes by the names fatcine he he he (repeat as many times as you like)

Kenny Jomeges

Kenny Jomeges

Fatass bitch

Ver más info

Artista: Kenny Jomeges
Canción: Fatass bitch
Vistas: 44

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