Fast food song Letra

Fast Food Rockers

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fast food song" de Fast Food Rockers.

Fast food song lyrics

Can i take your order please
Whhooooooooo lets eat to the beat
A pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
a pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
You like it you love it you know you really want it the voices that i give whenever your around
I want it i need it nothing else can beat it
hot n a spicey we're never running done
intising exciting there always so intiding
the wedding kiss me i wanna take you home
trust me you must see juat what your doing to me
driving me crazy hungry to the bone
i think of you and lick my lips you've got the taste that cant resit cant resit cant resit
Lets eat to the beat
A pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
a pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
[ De: ]
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
Any sauces
Your saucey your yourny you knock my off my toothy
your chunky and hunky im coming back for more
hot dogs you taste them
I think of you and lick my lips you've got the taste that cant resit cant resit cant resit
Lets eat to the beat
A pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
a pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
Does anyone fancy a shake shake
shake it to the left shake it to the right
lets shake
I think of you and lick my lips you've got the taste that cant resit cant resit cant resit
Lets eat to the beat
A pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
a pizza hut a pizza hut kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
mcdonalds mcdonalds kuntucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
Repeat twice
Fast Food Rockers

Fast Food Rockers

Fast food song

Ver más info

Artista: Fast Food Rockers
Canción: Fast food song
Duración: 03:08
Vistas: 17.291
Álbum: It's never easy being cheesy
Etiquetas: 2003, humour, nom nom nom, cheese, pop

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