Fashion makes no sense Letra

Compliments Of Gus

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fashion makes no sense" de Compliments Of Gus.

Fashion makes no sense lyrics

So fashion makes no sense to you
shall we regard your wedding day?
and if time is an object
should, for the time you've wasted pay?
and money is a problem
but then that's nothing new
and attitudes unnerving
but this is social stew

so help me out and
raise a hand
pray the next step
falls on promised land

followed you to somewhere
[ De: ]
you told me was the place to be
found out a short time later
it was for you but not for me
and distance seperates some but not the two of us
though some days try to break us
somehow our love stands

so stand with me
though we are individually
not the same, not the same
let's run through the game
help me out and
raise a hand
pray the next step
falls on promised land
Compliments Of Gus

Compliments Of Gus

Fashion makes no sense

Ver más info

Artista: Compliments Of Gus
Canción: Fashion makes no sense
Vistas: 152

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