Fascination Letra

Dick Jacobs & His Orchestra

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fascination" de Dick Jacobs & His Orchestra.

Fascination lyrics

(fascination turned to love)
It was fascination, i know
and it might have ended right there at the start
just a passing glance, just a brief romance
and i might have gone on my way empty-hearted
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fascination-dick-jacobs-his-orchestra ]
It was fascination, i know
seeing you alone with the moonlight above
then i touched your hand and next moment i kissed you
fascination turned to love
<instrumental interlude>
Repeat second verse
(it was fascination)

Dick Jacobs & His Orchestra
Ver más info

Artista: Dick Jacobs & His Orchestra
Canción: Fascination
Duración: 02:37
Vistas: 173

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