Farther Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Farther" de Outspoken.

Farther lyrics

Nobody ever told me how so completely out of control we can make our lives
i'm just beginning; i was winning when i faced you at the starting line
Now i'm falling back again. i'm down; i should be running forward now.
i'm spinning farther and farther and farther out.
Though i never put out you always gave back, i'm gonna give back what you gave to me,
i was a promise now i'm broken cause you took me for everything
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-farther-outspoken ]
Now i'm falling back again. i'm down; i should be running forward now.
i'm spinning farther and farther and farther, out of control.
But nothing ever changes how, not the way i feel right now;
i feel tired, of felling tired, heaven help me, tell me why.
Now i'm falling back again. i'm down; i should be running forward now.
i'm spinning farther and farther and farther, and farther out of control.
i'm spinning out of control,
i'm spinning out of control




Ver más info

Artista: Outspoken
Canción: Farther
Duración: 03:18
Vistas: 8.526
Álbum: Bitter shovel
Etiquetas: alternative, nina, vocals, fucking awesome, alternative rock

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