Fantasy Letra

Lizzie Mastowski

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fantasy" de Lizzie Mastowski.

Fantasy lyrics

Out in the deasert
i called out your name
watchin' the horses
gallop in the rain
It's like: white snow falling
down to the ground
my heart beats faster
when you're around
I can see so clearly
but in my mind it's just a fantasy
[ De: ]
a fantasy of you and me
but some how it just can't be
But tell me how it can't be
just you and me forever
It's like: white snow a fallin'
down to the ground my heart beat faster
when you're around
Cause it's just a fantasy
just a stupid fantasy
Just a fantasy
just a fantasy
Lizzie Mastowski
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Artista: Lizzie Mastowski
Canción: Fantasy
Vistas: 51

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