Fantasy Letra

Aldo Nova

La letra de la canción "Fantasy" interpretada por Aldo Nova fue publicada el 1 de julio de 2011 con su vídeo musical.

Fantasy lyrics

City nights
summer breezes makes you feel all right
shining brightly make your brain ignite
see the girls with the dresses so tight
give you love, if the price is right
black or white
in the streets there's no wrong and no right
Outta site
buy your kicks from the man in the white
feels all right
powder pleasure in your nose tonight
[ De: ]
see the men paint their faces and cry
like some girl, it makes you wonder why
city life
sure is cool, but it cuts like a knife
it's your life
So forget all that you see
it's not reality, it's just a fantasy
Can't you see what this crazy life is doin' to me
Life is just a fantasy
can you live this fantasy life
life is just a fantasy
can you live this fantasy life
Aldo Nova

Aldo Nova


Julio, 2011
75.508 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Aldo Nova
Canción: Fantasy
Duración: 05:02
Estreno: Julio, 2011
Vistas: 75.508
Álbum: Aldo nova
Etiquetas: 80s, classic rock, aldo nova, rock, hard rock

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