Fanfare Letra

Daddy O

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fanfare" de Daddy O.

Fanfare lyrics

Bring it on now
Check it out
This is a dedication to all the rap fans
All the b boys and b girls
All the hip hop heads
Rap music this is your music protect your music
Call the radio stations bumrush the stores
Buy the records from the stores and not the bootleggers
Communicate with us rappers
Let us know what's on your minds
Write us we wanna know
[ De: ]
Cause this is your music, rap music, protect your music
Call the radio stations, bumrush the stores
Buy the records from the stores and not the bootleggers
Know that it's because of you that every r&b singer
Sings to a hip-hop beat
And every pop singer wants a hip-hop remix
But this is your music rap music, protect your music
Call the radio stations, bumrush the stores
Buy the records from the stores and not the bootleggers
And let us know what's on your mind
Cause without you, there would be no us
There would be no us
Daddy O

Daddy O


Ver más info

Artista: Daddy O
Canción: Fanfare
Duración: 01:43
Vistas: 130

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